From: Gow et al. 2019 A range-wide domino effect and resetting of the annual cycle in a migratory bird.
Top panel: Shows the breeding and non-breeding locations of tree swallows with geolocators. Bottom panel documents the timing of the annual cycle of tree swallows colour coded based on breeding latitude (darker blue = farther north). |
PublicationsPeer Reviewed Publications:
32. Janus D^, EA Gow. 2021. Parental care by a European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) at the nest of a Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 133:348–354 31. Gow EA, JB Burant, AO Sutton, NE Freeman, ERM Grahame, M Fuirst, M Sorensen, SM Knight, HE Clyde, NJ Quarrell, AAE Wilcox, R Chicalo, SG Van Drunen, DS Shiffman. 2021. Popular press portrayal of issues surrounding free-roaming domestic cats (Felis catus). People and Nature. 00:1-12 30. Grahame ERM^, Martin K^, EA Gow, DR Norris. 2021. Diurnal and nocturnal habitat selection of Eastern Whip-poor-wills (Antrostomus vociferous) in the northern portion of their breeding range. Avian Conservation Ecology. 16:14 29. Saunders SP, JX Wu, EA Gow, E Adams, B Bateman, T Bayard, S Beilke, A Dayer, AMV Fournier, K Fox, P Heglund, SB Lerman, NL Michel, E Paxton, CH Şekercioğlu, MA Smith, W Thogmartin, MS Woodrey, C van Riper III. 2021. Bridging the research-implementation gap in avian conservation with translational ecology. Ornithological Applications 123:1–13 28. Shiffman D, SJ Bittick, MS Cashion, SR Colla, LE Coristine, DII Derrick, EA Gow, CC MacDonald, M More O’Ferrall, M Oroboko, RA Pollom, J Provencher, NK Dulvy. 2020. Inaccurate and biased global media coverage underlies public misunderstanding of shark conservation threats and solutions. iScience 23: 101205 29. Gow EA, P Arcese, D Dagenais, RJ Sardell, S Wilson, JM Reid. 2019. Testing predictions of inclusive fitness theory in inbreeding relatives with biparental care. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20191933 PDF 28. Gow EA, SM Knight, DW Bradley, RG Clark, DW Winkler, M Bélisle, L Berzins, T Blake, ES Bridge, L Burke, RD Dawson, PO Dunn, D Garant, G Holroyd, AG Horn, DJT Hussell, O Lansdorp, AJ Laughlin, ML Leonard, F Pelletier, D Shutler, L Siefferman, C Taylor, H Trefry, CM Vleck, D Vleck, LA Whittingham, DR Norris. 2019. Effects of spring migration distance on tree swallow reproductive success within and among flyways. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:380 PDF 27. DeZwaan, D^. S Wilson, EA Gow, K Martin. Sex-specific spatiotemporal variation and carry-over effects in a migratory alpine songbird Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:285 PDF 26. Knight SM^, DW Bradley, RG Clark, EA Gow, M Bélisle, L Berzins, T Blake, ES Bridge, RD Dawson, PO Dunn, D Garant, G Holroyd, AG Horn, DJT Hussell, O Lansdorp, AJ Laughlin, ML Leonard, F Pelletier, D Shutler, L Siefferman, C Taylor, H Trefry, CM Vleck, D Vleck, DW Winkler, LA Whittingham, DR Norris. Non-breeding season movements of a migratory songbird are related to declines in resource availability. The Auk: Ornithological Advances ukz028 PDF 25. Gow EA, L Burke, DW Winkler, SM Knight, DW Bradley, RG Clark, M Bélisle, L Berzins, T Blake, ES Bridge, RD Dawson, PO Dunn, D Garant, G Holroyd, AG Horn, DJT Hussell, O Lansdorp, AJ Laughlin, ML Leonard, F Pelletier, D Shutler, L Siefferman, C Taylor, H Trefry, CM Vleck, D Vleck, LA Whittingham, DR Norris. 2019. A range-wide domino effect and resetting of the annual cycle in a migratory songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20181916 PDF 24. Knight SM^, DW Bradley, RG Clark, EA Gow, M Bélisle, L Berzins, T Blake, ES Bridge, RD Dawson, PO Dunn, D Garant, G Holroyd, AG Horn, DJT Hussell, O Lansdorp, AJ Laughlin, ML Leonard, F Pelletier, D Shutler, L Siefferman, C Taylor, H Trefry, CM Vleck, D Vleck, DW Winkler, LA Whittingham, DR Norris. 2018. Constructing and evaluating a continent-wide migratory songbird network across the annual cycle. Ecological Monographs 88:445–460 PDF 23. Reid JM, G Bocedi, P Nietlisbach, AB Duthie, ME Wolak, EA Gow, P Arcese. 2016. Variation in parent-offspring kinship in socially monogamous systems with extra-pair reproduction and inbreeding. Evolution 70:1512–19 DOI: 10.1111/evo.12953 22. Gow EA. 2015. Analyzing geolocator data for birds that roost in cavities year-round. Journal of Field Ornithology 87:74–83 DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12130 21. Gow EA, & KL Wiebe. 2015. Nest sanitation in response to short-and long-term manipulations of brood size: males clean more in a sex-role reversed species. Animal Behaviour 104:137–143 doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.03.2014 20. Gow EA, & KL Wiebe. 2014 Males migrate farther than females in a differential migrant: an examination of the fasting endurance hypothesis. Royal Society Open Science 1:140346 doi: 10.1098/rsos.140346 19. Gow EA, & KL Wiebe. 2014. Northern flicker mates foraging on renewing patches avoid competition not by separate niches but by segregation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 101–108 doi: 10.1007/s00265-014-1822-8 18. Gow EA, KL Wiebe, & J Foxe. 2014 Cavity use throughout the annual cycle of a migratory woodpecker revealed by geolocators. Ibis, doi: 10.1111/ibi.12206 17. Gow EA, & KL Wiebe. 2014. Flexibility in parental care only occurs when brood demands are reduced: a brood size experiment in a woodpecker with partially reversed sex roles. Ethology 120:881–892, doi: 10.1111/eth.12259 16. Gow EA, KL Wiebe. 2014. Determinants of parental care and offspring survival during the post-fledging period: males care more in a species with partially reversed sex roles. Oecologia 175:95–104 doi: 10.1007/s00442-014-2890-1 15. Gow EA, & KL Wiebe. 2014. Survival and habitat selection by fledgling northern flickers in a fragmented forest landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management. 78:273–281 doi: 10.1002/jwmg.657 14. Gow EA, RJ Higgins, & KL Wiebe. 2013. Lack of diet segregation by male and female Northern Flickers foraging on ants in central British Columbia. Journal of Field Ornithology 84:262−269 13. Wiebe KL, & EA Gow. 2013. Choice of foraging habitat by northern flickers reflects changes in availability of their ant prey linked to ambient temperature. Ecoscience. 20:122−130 doi:10.2980/20-2-3584 12. Gow EA, & BJM Stutchbury. 2013. Understanding sex differences in parental effort in a migratory songbird: examining a sex specific tradeoff between reproduction and molt. Condor 115:640−649 11. Gow EA, & BJM Stutchbury. 2013. Within-season nesting dispersal and molt dispersal are linked to habitat shifts in a Neotropical migratory songbird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125:696−708 10. Gow EA, AB Musgrove, & KL Wiebe. 2012. Brood age and size influence sex-specific parental provisioning patterns in a sex-role reversed species. Journal of Ornithology 154:525−535. 9. Gow EA, BJM Stutchbury, T Done, & TK Kyser. 2012. An examination of stable hydrogen isotope (δD) variation in adult and juvenile feathers from a migratory songbird. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90:585−594. 8. Gow EA, & KL Wiebe. 2012. An unusually synchronous double brooding attempt by a northern flicker pair. Wilson Journal Ornithology 124: 389−392. 7. Gow EA, TW Done, & BJM Stutchbury. 2011. Radio-tags have no behavioral or physiological effects on a migratory songbird during breeding and molt. Journal of Field Ornithology 82:193−201. 6. Stutchbury, BJ*, EA Gow*, T Done, M MacPherson, JW Fox & V Afanasyev. 2011. Effects of post-breeding moult and energetic condition on timing of songbird migration into the tropics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 278:131−137. 5. Done, T, EA Gow, & BJM Stutchbury. 2010. Plasma metabolite and stress response during breeding and molt in a free-living migratory songbird, the wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina). General and Comparative Endocrinology 171:176−182. 4. Stutchbury, B.J., S. A. Tarof, T. Done, E. Gow, P.M. Kramer, J. Tautin, J. W. Fox, V. Afanasyev. 2009. Tracking long-distance songbird migration by using geolocators. Science. 323:896. Press Coverage: National Geographic (including one of my feeding rate videos) NPR BBC news CBC news CBC's Quirks and Quarks Non-Peer Reviewed Publications: 3. Gow EA, Germain RR, Krippel J, & Arcese, P. 2015. Recent Literature: ‘Climate change and birds: Impacts and Conservation Responses’. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:84–88 DOI: 10.111/jofo.12092 2. M Evans*, Gow EA,* RR Roth, MS Johnson & TJ Underwood. 2011. Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), The Birds of North American Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: 1. Burns, L*, E Gow*, H, Nguyen*, & N Yan. 2009. The State of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe: A Critical Response to the Discussion Paper: “Healthy Great Lakes. Strong Ontario”. Report to the Environmental Commissioner’s Office. * equal contributor |